
Posts Tagged ‘cookbook’

My Seitan Tastes Like Seitan

In Staple Food Items on June 20, 2010 at 10:52 am

seitan loaf Oh Seitan, how do I love thee?  Let me count the ways.

  1. Your name sounds like Satan and allows me to make lots of super lame cool puns.
  2. You are packed with protein levels comparable to steak!
  3. Unlike steak, you contains no saturated fat or cholesterol.
  4. Also unlike steak, you are much lower in calories than steak, too!
  5. You are delicious and cruelty free!

Basically, it is a fabulous meat substitute and this chick absolutely loves it.  However, I do not like the cost- $5.00 for 8 oz definitely means that I cannot eat seitan regularly.  Or so I thought.

Lo and behold Vegan on the Cheap: Great Recipes and Simple Strategies that Save You Time and Money by Robin Robertson.  I bought this fabulous book in preparation for graduate school and two years of poverty. I strongly recommend it! The author has tons of tips about saving money while still eating well. This includes a seitan recipe that Robertson says costs less tan 50 cents per serving.  I bought a lot of the ingredients from the bulk section of the co-op, which was way cheaper than buying them in the boxes… so it may have cost less than estimated.

See the ingredients, directions, and more pictures after the jump…

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