
Posts Tagged ‘oatmeal’

Honey Kissed Oatmeal Cookies

In Breads and Deserts on July 20, 2010 at 5:21 pm

IMG_2184 I am in the process of moving, which means that my apartment is a hot, HOT mess.  I hardly know where anything is located, have to ninja over boxes to move between rooms, and am living off the sparse remains of my pantry.  Best moments.

Dinner recently has consisted of mixing two canned items together, warming them over the stove, and being grateful that the result tastes like food.  I don’t anticipate that I will be posting much for the next two weeks because no one really wants to look at canned black beans mixed with canned tomatoes over and over again.  I certainly don’t.

Speaking of two weeks, I just fully realized that I am moving in less than two weeks!  I feel like I just arrived in Albany (I moved here in early 2009). I started packing a few days ago but the reality of the immediacy of the situation didn’t really sink in until I took the pictures off the walls yesterday.  My comfortable, homey apartment looks very bare right now…IMG_2217

well… except for the piles of boxes…. did I mention using ninja moves to maneuver around my apartment?

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At least my cat is pleased with his new jungle gym.

I thought that I could handle a few weeks without grocery shopping or baking but the latter has proven to be incorrect.  After the sudden realization that I am moving super soon, I decided it would be an excellent idea to bake something… which involved unpacking some of the kitchen items and scraping together a recipe with those sparse remains that I mentioned above.

The resulting warm, chewy, sweet cookies were definitely worth the additional disarray.


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